NOVA Parks News



Throughout its existence, the W&OD Trail has been one of the most used assets of NOVA Parks. We pride ourselves in maintaining the trail and allowing it to become so popular that residents of the region, and visitors alike, speak of it today as an integral part of Northern Virginia. 

Looking back to 1999, we find an example of how NOVA Parks endeavored to make the experience of the trail both safer and more enjoyable for its users through the use of an entrepreneurial spirit and an understanding of positive partnerships.  

As development in Northern Virginia pressed forward at the end of the last century, the building of more roads and parkways was happening, but this began to make W&OD trail crossings increasingly tedious and dangerous. Many regional areas began to experience this growth at higher rates than others. One such place where this was true was Reston Town Center, a commercial building and housing hub. 

Working with the Terrabrook construction company, NOVA Parks looked to ease the pain of getting past the Reston area on the W&OD Trail by building an arched-concrete underpass. The underpass would be 55 feet wide and 15 feet high, giving trail users a safe, lighted route under the ever-increasing motor traffic on the Reston Parkway. 


WOD Underpass

On July 24, 1999, the vision was complete and the new underpass for hikers, bikers, and equestrians was celebrated by local officials and trail enthusiasts with a dedication ceremony. The Reston Trail Safety Expo was part of the festivities and featured exhibitors, safety checks, ceremonial walkers and joggers, horseback riding and fun train rides for children. 


WOD Underpass2

This major grade separation for the W&OD Trail was not the first nor the last. In the last five years, the W&OD Trail has been reworked to separate cars and trail users at Rt. 7, Rt. 9, and Belmont Ridge Road. Currently, a new bridge is being built at Rt. 29 in Arlington. With 70 road intersections, NOVA Parks is always working to improve the safety of this trail that sees between two to three million users a year.



This year, NOVA Parks celebrates its 60th anniversary, and its most popular park, the W&OD Trail, celebrates its 45th anniversary as one of the first rails-to-trails in the nation, and one of the most popular features of the region.


Summer Camps Filling Fast - Register Today

Due to high demand, spots fill fast! To save time during registration, create a user account and complete the camper information prep questions in advance. Visit the 'Registration' tab on each camp's webpage for details.


Climb UPton—the largest ropes course in the Mid-Atlantic— is NOW OPEN Weekends! Climb UPton offers 90 different elements and three levels of difficulty. Now open weekends 10am-8pm. Open daily beginning April 12.