Tinner Hill Historic Park

A Pivotal Site for African American History
Tinner Hill

Encounter African American history first hand at the Tinner Hill Historic Park in Falls Church, Virginia. This park is the site of what was home to Joseph and Elizabeth Tinner, the couple who fought segregation laws after the borders of neighbouring towns were redrawn cutting directly through their thriving community. Their actions led to the first rural branch of the NAACP. Visit the park’s picnic pavilion and see the Zig Zag Monument, a sculpture that follows the original location of the segregation line.

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Opening Hours


The park is open for walking/self-guided tours from dawn to dusk. Please take all trash with you when you leave. 


Tinner Hill Historic Park

106 Tinner Hill Road
Falls Church VA 22042
United States



Tinner Hill was made possible through a partnership between the City of Falls Church, NOVA Parks, Fairfax County and the Tinner Hill Heritage Foundation. For more on the foundation visit: www.tinnerhill.org

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Ice & Lights' Daytime Ice Skating

Enjoy gliding on the ice at Cameron Run Regional Park, just minutes from Old Town Alexandria! Open weekends and holidays, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., through February 23. Plus, enjoy a romantic Valentine's Day evening on the ice, from 5 to 9 p.m.! Tickets are only available for purchase online.