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Aldie Mill Historic Park

Girl Scout Programs


NOVA Parks offers a variety of programs designed to help your girl scout achieve a wide range of badges for daisies all the way up to cadets! Badge programs are currently available at three different locations, with more being added all the time! 



Be a Nature Detective!

Explore the outdoors around Aldie Mill by joining in a Nature Detective Walk.   Find items on a scavenger hunt, choose a leaf, and make a leaf rubbing to add to a card you’ll take home.  This activity helps to fulfill the requirements of the Outdoor Art Brownie Badge. Minimum of one adult per five scouts.


Playing the Past

What was life like in the past, around the time of the Civil War?  What would it have been like to be Ann, the daughter of Aldie Mill owner John Moore, or Ellen, the daughter of mill neighbor Alexander Davis?  Listen to diaries accounts and letters from women of the time, discover what girls wore and what games they played, and make your own “housewife” – a Civil War-era sewing kit – to take home!  This program helps to fulfill the requirements of the Playing the Past Badge.  Minimum of one adult per ten scouts.

For more information and to book your program, contact us at or call 703-327-9777.


GIRL SCOUT PROGRAM Price min (10 scouts or less) Price per scout (11 or more scouts)

1 Hour




$7.00 per scout

1 1/2 Hours $100 $10.00 per scout

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Ice & Lights' Daytime Ice Skating

Enjoy gliding on the ice at Cameron Run Regional Park, just minutes from Old Town Alexandria! Open weekends and holidays, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., through February 23. Plus, enjoy a romantic Valentine's Day evening on the ice, from 5 to 9 p.m.! Tickets are only available for purchase online.