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Winkler Botanical Preserve

Girl Scout Programs

Girl wearing glasses squatting in forest by moss.

NOVA Parks offers a variety of programs designed to help your girl scout achieve a wide range of badges for daisies all the way up to cadets! Badge programs are currently available at three different locations, with more being added all the time! 

For more information and to book your program, contact us at or 703-344-0444.


girl painting with scratch and sniff paint at a table with yellow table cloth

Outdoor Art Series

Programs available for all levels of Girl Scouts.

Scouts will take an in-depth and up-close look at all the ways nature takes on artistic forms. Programs can include: creating our own rainstorm, listening to birds that inspire our own music, using natural mediums to express our feelings, learning how to take professional quality photographs, fashioning outdoor installations that slowly return to the natural state.
Each program is 60 minutes long, geared toward your specific age group, and requires at least one adult for every 10 scouts.



blonde young girl with yellow skirt squatting in the dirt and holding a shovel with a worm on it


Daisies, Brownies, Juniors

These programs are designed to build outdoor knowledge through several ranks of scouts. Daisies will use games and activities to learn how to prepare to be outside and what they can do to protect themselves and the environment. Brownies will explore the outdoors, learning how to build a safe campfire and care for wildlife, all while having fun and being kind to each other and to the environment. Juniors will work together to examine the principals of leave no trace, learn how to prepare a minimal impact camp site and assist with conservation while enjoying a scenic hike.
Each program is 60 minutes long, geared toward your specific age group, and requires at least one adult for every 10 scouts.


three girls observing an antler at a table inside a cabin

Nature Series

Brownies, Juniors, Cadettes, Ambassadors

Naturalist Legacy Badge topics include Bugs, Flowers, Trees and Water. Brownies will use hands on activities and crafts to explore insect habitats, share fun facts and learn about the daily habits of bugs all over the preserve. Juniors will learn the hidden messages of flowers, go on a floral scavenger hunt, and get to know flowers inside and out. Cadettes will focus on trees, discovering what makes up their parts, how humans and trees work together and make their own tree-ID guide. Ambassadors will look at one of the biggest features of Winkler: our water! Through exploration and experiments, Ambassadors will be inspired to make their own water art and share small actions that can help keep our waters safe. Each program is 60 minutes long, geared toward your specific age group, and requires at least one adult for every 10 scouts.



girl squatting in woods by moss



Letterboxing is a scavenger hunt-style adventure that takes you to interesting locations all over the world solving clues and searching for hidden treasures. Participants will learn what exactly Letterboxing is and how it differs from Geocaching, where to find the clues, how to decipher them and receive hints on what to look for. Then off on an adventure around the park to find the boxes hidden here. Participants will also get a chance to carve their own personal stamp to take home and use on future Letterboxing adventures. This is a 90-minute program. Minimum of two adults per ten scouts.


For more information and to book your program, contact us at or 703-344-0444.


Fee Table
  Price min (10 scouts or less) Price per scout (11 or more scouts)
1 Hour




$7.00 per scout

1 1/2 Hours $100.00  $10.00 per scout
For more information and to book your program, contact us at or 703-344-0444.

Summer Camp registration is now open!

Due to high demand, spots fill fast! To save time during registration, create a user account and complete the camper information prep questions in advance. Visit the 'Registration' tab on each camp's webpage for details.