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Winkler Botanical Preserve

Volunteering at Winkler Botanical Preserve

Three teenage boys installing a post at Winkler Botanical Preserve

Thank you for your interest in Volunteering for Winkler Botanical Preserve.

We welcome volunteers of all types from individuals to organizations. If your church, business or group is looking to volunteer, we’ll work with you to develop a mutually beneficial service opportunity.

Volunteers must be 13 or over, with all youth volunteers having adult supervision during the duration of service hours.

We have many different types of volunteering needs:

  • Group Volunteer Opportunity
  • Regular Volunteer Schedule (8 hours/month): Projects include invasive species removal, program preparation, trail maintenance, and other duties as assigned.
  • Program Volunteer (Weekends): Adults can volunteer for specific programs, providing additional instruction assistance. Weekend availability is required.
  • Field Trip Volunteer (Weekdays): Adults can volunteer to help during school field trips. Weekday morning availability is required.
  • Scouting Volunteer (Service projects, Eagle Projects or Gold Projects): We have many conservation projects or Eagle Scout/Gold Award project needs. These are arranged as one-time events, for your troop/pack specifically.

The below documents are required to be completed before the start of volunteering at Winkler Botanical Preserve.

Emergency Contact Form

Risk Assumption Form

Please complete the Volunteer Inquiry Form.

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