Published Articles
Docent Dispatch - March 2020
- Introduction. In 1775 while King George III of England was hiring German mercenaries for the purpose of snuffing out the American Revolution, his German born wife Queen Charlotte was engaged in a different kind of snuffing -- inhaling powdered tobacco into her nostrils. The Queen was such an avid user of snuff that she had an entire room at Windsor Castle devoted entirely to her snuff stock and Queen Charlotte herself was often referred to as 'Snuffy Charlotte'. [The insert shows the Queen as painted by Joshua Reynolds in 1779 with her powdered hair dressed with a string of pearls and a small crown.]
Docent Dispatch - January 2020
- In the early 17th century, the kingdom of England was in the grip of the world’s first energy crisis. Decades of population growth, rapid urbanization, countless foreign wars, and myriad voyages of discovery to the New World under the capricious Tudors decimated the country’s forests and its timber supply.