Park Alerts

W&OD Trail — Through February 2025: Dominion Energy replacing electric transmission wires

Dominion Energy will replace the conductor, or wires, on the electric transmission line above the W&OD Trail between Mill St NE in the Town of Vienna and Sandburg St in Dunn Loring (Mile Markers 9-12). Trail users can expect temporary traffic stops and detours.

  • July 2024-November 2024: Expect stops up to 15 minutes while crews prepare for wire replacement. Flaggers will control traffic.
  • As part of this work, Dominion Energy will remove shrubs and trees from the Dominion Energy easement along the W&OD Trail to reestablish the full width of the right of way corridor and provide sufficient clearance for the transmission line.
  • November 2024-January 2025: Expect stops up to 15 minutes while crews complete the project. Flaggers will control traffic.

    More information is available at  To ask questions or connect with the Dominion Energy team, call (888) 291-0190 or email


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Ice & Lights' Daytime Ice Skating

Enjoy gliding on the ice at Cameron Run Regional Park, just minutes from Old Town Alexandria! Open weekends and holidays, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., through February 23. Plus, enjoy a romantic Valentine's Day evening on the ice, from 5 to 9 p.m.! Tickets are only available for purchase online.