Bull Run Marina
Things to do
Bull Run Marina offers a boat launch for powerboats and cartops launch boats alike. The launch is situated between a pair of wooden docks, and offers easy access into the Occoquan Reservoir. Those wishing to use the launch may purchase a season pass key to the gate.
Bull Run Occoquan Trail
NOVA Park’s longest natural surface trail is the 19.6 mile Bull Run-Occoquan hiking trail, which connects Bull Run, Hemlock Overlook, Bull Run Marina and Fountainhead Regional Parks. Perfect for hikers or those on horseback, this incredible path takes visitors through more than 5,000 acres of scenic woodlands. Along this track one will also find one of the region’s richest untapped historic resources.
Visitors to Bull Run Marina can enjoy fishing in the Occoquan Reservoir, both on shore and by boat. A variety of fish live amongst the waters of the reservoir, perfect for fisherman of any skill level. There are several places to fish on and around the marina for those choosing to fish from shore. All Virginia fishing requires a license.
Occoquan Watertrail
Tracing a 40-mile route on two tributary waterways of the Chesapeake Bay, paddling adventures await as you explore a vast and changing landscape, spanning 13,000 years of human history, past 10,000 acres of public lands dedicated to resource conservation in northern Virginia.
Park History Interpretive Series: Enslaved Burial Ground at Bull Run Marina
This burial ground of enslaved people is tangible evidence of the system of slavery which existed in Virginia until the end of the Civil War when the 13th Amendment to the Constitution banned the practice. These individuals were held in bondage and forced to work the farm which became Bull Run Marina.

Scholastic Rowing
Bull Run Marina offers education, training, practice, and racing for competitive and recreational sculling and rowing. Only shells and other boats authorized by NOVA Parks may be launched from the docks or shoreline of Bull Run Marina. The park is open for training and competitive rowing practices and by special permit.