
W&OD Trail 50th Anniversary

Trail Safety Guidelines

On the Go & In the Know


Help keep everyone on the trail safe with these 6 simple rules:

  • It’s not a race. We’re sharing space.

  • Passing on left is always best.                   

  • Need to stop? Leave the blacktop.           

  • Be polite. Slow on right.                               

  • Be alert. Don’t get hurt.                               

  • Be “On the Go & In the Know”     


Share the Trail Rule #1: Use Safe Speeds
Share the Trail Rule #2: Keep Right, Pass Left.
Share the Trail Rule #3: Standing Still? Stand Aside.
Share the Trail Rule #4: Mind Your Pets.
Share the Trail Rule #5: Be Alert.

Summer Camps Filling Fast - Register Today

Due to high demand, spots fill fast! To save time during registration, create a user account and complete the camper information prep questions in advance. Visit the 'Registration' tab on each camp's webpage for details.


Climb UPton—the largest ropes course in the Mid-Atlantic— is NOW OPEN Weekends! Climb UPton offers 90 different elements and three levels of difficulty. Now open weekends 10am-8pm. Open daily beginning April 12.