Bull Run Shooting Center
Learn to Shoot Classes/Private Lessons

Learn to Shoot Safety Class
Our Learn to Shoot Safety Class takes non-shooters and beginners through the basics of learning to handle a shotgun and getting range ready. This class is offered every Saturday and Sunday at 9:45am, 11:30am, 1:15pm, and 3:00pm. The Learn to Shoot Safety class covers range etiquette/rules, safely handling of the shotgun, loading/unloading, stance and shooting clay targets. Each class holds 6 people and pre-registration is required as we cannot guarantee walk-in space. The class is $45 per person and lasts about 1 ½ hours. All equipment is included with the exception of eye protection. Safety glasses, regular eyeglasses or sunglasses are acceptable forms of eye protection. Inexpensive eye protection can be purchased at the range if needed. Open to everyone age 12 and up.
Learn to Shoot/Learn the Game Class
Our Learn to Shoot /Learn the Game Class is offered on most Wednesdays and Fridays at 5:00p.m. in the spring, summer and fall. This class includes all aspects of the Learn to Shoot Safety class AND goes to our Wobble game field to "Learn the Game" with the instructor. Students will play a full game of Wobble with hands on coaching and direction from your instructor. This class is limited to 5 students. The class is $60 per person and lasts about 2 hours. All equipment is included with the exception of eye protection. Safety glasses, regular eyeglasses or sunglasses are acceptable forms of eye protection. Inexpensive eye protection can be purchased at the range if needed. Please come dressed for the weather. Open to everyone age 12 and up.
*You may withdraw from a Learn to Shoot Safety class or a Learn the Game class for a refund up until two days before your scheduled class.
Click here to register for any upcoming class. Use search term "shooting center".
Private Lessons
For folks wanting private lessons we have many NSCA certified instructors that are qualified to help folks who have never handled a shotgun on up to Master Class shooters. For $75* an hour you and your instructor go over specifically what you want to work on. It could be any of the games we have here, your stance, gun mounting or just wanting to become more efficient with your shotgun. The first person is $75 per hour and each additional person is $25 each per hour. Open to everyone age 12 and up. We can accommodate up to 3 people in our private lessons.
Group Request Form
Please see our list of instructors below. You contact them directly and coordinate time, date and what exactly you want to work on with them.
Collier, Bill, 703-282-9603, wcol72@aol.com
Formichella, Mike, 540-216-4422, mikeformichella@gmail.com
Gaetani, David, 703-475-0057, dagaetani@gmail.com
Hill, Rick, 202-255-1512, rhill1105@aol.com
Lopez, Ivan, 689-867-2451, ivancamilolopez@gmail.com
Mahoney, Bob, 301-461-7322, rcmahoney@verizon.net
Malguy, Eric, 571-335-6929, eric.g.malguy@gmail.com
Mitchell, Steve, 703-395-6675, apprasbm@verizon.net
Noyes, Gary 973-906-1477, garynoyes@gmail.com
Roberts, Earl, 571-697-9652, mobilemarksmanship@gmail.com
Spetalieri, Annette, 703-475-2568, eagleeyeclays@gmail.com
Wright, Todd, 703-819-1077, tewright45@gmail.com