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Bull Run Shooting Center

Shooting Activities

Bull Run Shooting Center, shooter

Bull Run Shooting Center offers 5 different shotgun games that are fun and exciting for new or experienced shooters, including sporting clay, skeet, trap, wobble trap and five stand.

Sporting Clays is a form of clay pigeon shooting with different stations laid out over natural terrain. Each station has multiple birds which can be thrown as singles or simultaneously. Unlike trap and skeet, which are games of repeatable target presentations, sporting clays simulates the unpredictability of live-quarry shooting, offering a great variety of trajectories, speeds, elevations, distances, and target sizes.

The Shooting Center’s 50 target sporting clay course has 14 stations located around an open field and in the woods. Participants see a combination of crossers, incomers, outgoers, chucker, teal, rabbit, battue and chandelle targets, including a 40 foot tower shot. Other features include two skeet fields, two wobble trap fields and one trap field.

Our 5-Stand has 10 machines giving us the capability of throwing crossers, incomers, outgoers, overhead, teal and rabbit targets. We offer three different levels of difficulty capable of challenging both the novice and the experienced shooter.

Hours of Operation
  Monday-Tuesday Wednesday-Friday* Saturday-Sunday*
January 5-March 7 CLOSED

12 p.m. - DARK (Sporting Clays)

12 p.m. - 7 p.m. (Skeet, Trap & Wobble)

9 a.m.. - 5 p.m.
March 8-November 14 CLOSED

12 p.m. - DARK (Sporting Clays)

12 p.m. - 8 p.m. (Skeet, Trap & Wobble)

9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Thanksgiving Day   CLOSED  
Christmas Eve      Half Day
9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Christmas Day  CLOSED    

January 5 through April 1:
We close at 7 pm, last round on the Skeet, Trap & Wobble fields are sold at 6:15 pm and last rounds for sporting clays are sold 1hr and 30min before dark.

*Saturday-Sunday: Last rounds for sporting clays are sold at 3:15 p.m. Last rounds for Skeet, Trap & Wobble fields are sold at 4:15 p.m.




  Jurisdiction Non-Jurisdiction

Skeet/Trap/Wobble Range

Skeet/Trap/Wobble (25 Targets)

Skeet/Trap/Wobble League (25 Targets)

Discount Ticket - Skeet/Trap/Wobble (10 Rounds)

Discount Ticket - Skeet/Trap/Wobble (25 Rounds)











Sporting Clays Range

Gun Rentals
    Over and Under
    Rental Gun Punch Card (10 Rentals)

Sporting Clays (50 Targets)

Discount Ticket - Sporting Clays (10 Rounds)

Five Stand Sporting Clays (25 Targets)

Five Stand Discount Ticket (10 Rounds)














Summer Camps Filling Fast - Register Today

Due to high demand, spots fill fast! To save time during registration, create a user account and complete the camper information prep questions in advance. Visit the 'Registration' tab on each camp's webpage for details.


Climb UPton—the largest ropes course in the Mid-Atlantic— is NOW OPEN Weekends! Climb UPton offers 90 different elements and three levels of difficulty. Now open weekends 10am-8pm. Open daily beginning April 12.